
GP&E is one of the first teams to arrive at the event, and one of the last to leave. Operations begin in early August, running 24 hours a day until mid-September. GP&E runs 24 hours a day for that entire period.

Our primary function is to regulate the flow of all traffic in and out of Black Rock City. The Gate (and the many associated sub-departments) establishes that anyone entering the city has a valid ticket or credential, while the Perimeter team patrols the closure zone to help anyone who may have wandered out, or intercept those actively trying to sneak in. Exodus is opening-day in reverse, regulating the mass egress of 70,000+ Participants trying to leave the city in the same 32 hour period.

In support of these functions, all of our sub-departments have grown and refined their processes, resulting in us becoming one of the most intricate and interwoven departments in Black Rock City. The members of GP&E talk to and process 99% of the people In Black Rock City. We meet and process 70,000+ Participants, Staff, Vendors, and other cooperators.

We believe that your work matters and you may already have a bigger connection to BRC than you know.

it’s all in The Details
What we do

Gate, Perimeter and Exodus (GPE) is one of the first departments to arrive on playa, and one of the last to leave. Operations begin in early August and run until mid-September, 24 hours a day. We work closely with nearly every other department on playa.

 GPE’s primary function is to regulate the flow of traffic into and out of Black Rock City:

  • Gate ensures that anyone entering the city has a valid ticket or credential. 
  • Perimeter patrols the closure zone to help those who wander outside the city limits, or intercept those attempting to sneak in. 
  • Exodus regulates the mass egress of 70,000+ participants leaving the Black Rock City in the same 72-hour period. 

See what the public knows about us.

Getting Way to Involved

We want you to join us for the fun!!!

If you wish to join the Gate, Perimeter and Exodus crew, please indicate this on the Volunteer Questionnaire by checking the appropriate box. Our Volunteer Coordinator will email you with more information. Please note that by the beginning of August we make our way to the playa to set up the Gate (which means we may not be checking email) and other department operations, so if you want to volunteer with us for the current year, please fill out the questionnaire as far in advance as possible.

For other questions or comments, email gate@burningman.org

Meet Our Management Team

Meet our wonderful team of experts and clowns that make up the rock solid Gate family!

Who are these people?
Go to Our Training Section

Things are hard and we all need a refresher for the complicated things that we do.

Learn Things!
The Black Hole

The desert home to GPE. Click here to donate to the bar as well as find out more about home, sweet, home